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Operating speed

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Turbo agitator blade

• Suspension
• Dissolution
• Mixing
• Emulsion

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  • Compatibility: Misceo 300

TURBO AGITATOR TOOL 1/9 - length 225 mm


Up to 4L

The Turbo Agitator Tool is an excellent all-round tool for most general low shear stirring requirements and ideal for using with shear sensitive materials and mixing surfactants. With an axial flow (drawing from the bottom to the top) it can be used from low speed through to high speed, for low through to medium viscosity fluids. When creating surfactant type products (shampoos, body washes) it is best to commence on low speed to minimise foaming. Medium to high speed is suitable for emulsions, suspensions, oleogels, cooldown phases and other products requiring general stirring.

Low Shear

Low to High Speed

Low to Medium Viscosity

Axial Flow